Open Forum on Workload Recommendations

AAUP@KSU will hold an open forum on the recently circulated Workload Recommendations document this Thursday, Nov. 1, from 3:30pm-5pm in SO 2036. 

Per Todd’s membership announcing the forum, we hope the meeting will be a valuable place “to discuss ways for faculty to become involved in the process as this document moves to the colleges and departments.” Feel free to send advance questions/comments to Todd (tharper @ kennesaw).

Additionally, the Faculty Senate holds it monthly meeting today, Oct. 29, from 12:30pm-1:45pm in KSU Center 300. If you are able to, please attend to show support for increased faculty concerns about shared governance structures on campus.

History of AAUP@KSU

The principles of academic freedom and shared governance have animated KSU faculty action for many years, stretching back many decades. KSU faculty have long been members of AAUP nationally and leaders at the state level, and participated in campus life as an informal body for many years. In 2005 the campus chapter (“AAUP@KSU”) adopted bylaws outlining our structure and the purposes of the local chapter.

Continue reading History of AAUP@KSU
