Fall 2019 Schedule Sept. MeetingTuesday, Sept. 10, 2019Social Sciences 3033, K Campus12:30pm-1:30pm Beginning of the Year SocialTuesday, Sept. 17, 2019Dry County Brewing Co.4pm-6pm Oct. MeetingTuesday, Oct. 8, 2019Wilson Student Center, A214, M Campus12:30pm-1:30pm Nov. MeetingTuesday, Nov. 12, 2019Social Sciences 3033, K Campus12:30pm-1:30pm Dec. MeetingTuesday, Dec. 10, 2019Wilson Student Center, A214, M Campus12:30pm-1:30pm End of the Semester SocialThursday, Dec. 19, 2019Dry County Brewing Co.4pm-6pm